Belgorod Institute of Alternative Energy was created on January 27, 2012 on behalf of Evgeniy Savchenko, the governor of Belgorod region. The Institute deals with research, development and application of ecologically clean energy generation technologies, based on renewable sources (sun, wind, water, geothermal energy, and biomass), also with development of energy-saving and energy-efficient technologies. List of activities can be extended with science and business projects efficiency evaluation (laboratory studies, tests and measuring), business plans and feasibility studies development, alternative energy projects design and installation, application of energy efficient solutions in technological and production processes, energy audit, energy service agreements, energy management.
Being active for not so long, BIoAE has already made a significant contribution to energy efficient and ecological technologies development in the region by developing “Energy saving based on renewable energy sources application development concept in Belgorod region”. This conception foresees implementation of 223.3 MW “clean” energy capacities up to 2020 in the region, which will allow to supply 75% population needs in Belgorod region, and find a solution for agro industrial complex waste accumulation problem. Moreover, “green energetics” development allows to create number of vacancies in rural area. This concept is being fulfilled under the Governor Council for small-scale energetics development patronage.
Today, BIoAE is a part of “small-scale distributed power generation” council, is the co-founder of association renewable energy market participants, and also takes part as an expert in RES regulatory framework development at retail market.
10 working groups consist of highly-skilled specialists and invited researcher workers, who successfully improve already realized projects based on solar and wind energy, laboratiorial biogas unit, argolaboratory and electric vehicle laboratory.
During two years of activity active cooperation with international, russian and regional companies and institutions has been established. Number of agreements was signed with FSBI “Russian Energetic Agency” RF Ministry of Energy, Belgorod region Government, Russian engineering academy of management and agribusiness, “Razvitie” Corporation JSC, Belgorod research and technology information Centre (branch of Russian Energetic Agency) and others. Cooperation with institutes of higher education on fuel and energy sector innovative development was an impulse for formation of “Heat technology power engineering and waste heat processing” base department at Belgorod State Technological University n.a. V.G. Shukhov, and students of Belgorod National Research University “Biotechnologies and microbiology” department will do practical work at BIoAE and AltEnergo objects. Besides joint scientifical, methodological, research and development activities, specialized personnel training, BIoAE together with Department for Education performs an ecological educational work and electric vehicle popularization for pupils. In 2013 green energy lessons were given in 19 educational institutions of Belgorod region.
Despite young age, BIoAE is a significant scientific structure, which has acquired a reputation in Russia and abroad as the source of leading experience. To get acquainted with BIoAE bioenergy development experience in Belgorod region, Ministry of Agriculture has sent its own working group.
Governmental institution of South Korea – KOTRA has highly evaluated BIoAE potential. Taking an active part in research and development and implementational activities, BIoAE has received numerous international exhibitions and conferences diplomas, including high technology exhibition in Hannover (where BIoAE was the only representative of “green energetics” from Russia) and second international forum “Energy saving and energy efficiency ”- ENES 2013.
Belgorod Institute of alternative Energy has significant plans for the future – not only scientific, project, consulting and investment attracting activities, but also energy service development, organization and performance of energy audit.
Belgorod Institute of Alternative Energy press relations service