Biogas laboratory
Home Scientific support Biogas laboratory
The laboratory biogas plant is a unique platform for conducting experiments to determine the biogas potential of raw materials – waste from agricultural enterprises and housing and communal services.

Tasks: creation of conditions close to the operation of biogas stations, determination of the quality and volume of the generated biogas.
The laboratory biogas plant reproduces the operation of biogas stations in miniature, which allows with high reliability:
- experiment with different types of raw materials;
analyze fermentation processes; - determine the quality and quantity of the generated gas.
There are 120 mini-fermenters in the laboratory biogas plant, which provides ample opportunities for studying gas production from various types and proportions of raw materials. The laboratory facility, which has been operating since 2013, can be used simultaneously with more than ten load variants.
Fermentation can be carried out in two temperature modes – thermophilic and mesophilic. The cycle of anaerobic digestion of samples of various raw materials can last from 25 to 90 days.
The biogas laboratory also includes a Quality Control Laboratory, whose tasks are to test input raw materials, substrates and organic fertilizers.

The necessary calculations and analytical assessment of the results obtained are carried out by the Center for Analytical Data Processing
One of the most important areas of the laboratory’s work is the selection of raw materials, which allows to reduce the costs of operating biogas stations. The fact is that biogas plants successfully process almost any by-products of the agricultural industry into fertilizers, however, in order not only to dispose of waste, but also to obtain a significant yield of biogas, it is necessary to add a competent approach to the composition of raw substrates.
Solutions developed with the help of the laboratory are used to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of operating industrial biogas plants.
In 2015, due to the competent selection of the raw material recipe by the specialists of the laboratory, AltEnergo LLC increased the efficiency of the Luchki BGS and increased the installed capacity to 3.6 MW. To this day, there are no biogas plants of such a large capacity in Russia yet.