As a part of open day in Belgorod State University n.a. V.G. Shukhov, diverse enterprises and organizations (partners of University ) have presented their expositions for school-leavers and their parents on February 16.
Belgorod institute of Alternative Energy has placed its exposition together with Power Engineering Institute. The common goal of both institutes – is to motivate young people to enter the departments, which will have good job opportunities in power complex of Belgorod Oblast in the nearest future.
Regional feedstock potential allows to enable running of alternative energy objects – biogas power stations – with total capacity over 200 MW – this amount is supposed to be installed up to 2020 as part of “Energy saving development conception, based on applying alternative energy sources on the territory of Belgorod region”. It means, that young and perspective branch will have a need in highly-skilled specialists, and with the aim to raise such specialists BSTU has opened new department recently – “Unconventional and renewable energy sources”.
Staff members of Belgorod institute of alternative Energy has displayed unique RES – based technologies (sun, wind and biomass), and certain projects, that were installed in Belgorod region, for school-leavers.
Special interest of visitors was woken by the biggest in Russia biogas power plant “Luchki, and by the fact, that staff members of Belgorod institute of alternative Energy are graduates of BSTU also.
Belgorod Institute of Alternative Energy press relations service