On November 7, AltEnergo’s chief engineer Ilya Meylakh and head of the financial and economic department Konstantin Prisukhin took part in the scientific and methodological seminar of the Analytical Department of the Office of the Council of Federations of the Russian Federation and the apparatus of the Committee of the Council of Federations of the Russian Federation on agro-food policy and environmental management. At the event, members of the Committee, employees of the Analytical Department of the RF Federation Council and experts discussed the Concept of state regulation of greenhouse gas emissions and removals in context of the strategic goals and objectives of the Russian Federation. In particular, it was about state regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, its relevance in connection with the adoption of the Paris Agreement and the impact on the socio-economic development of the country.

The experience of the Belgorod region and the AltEnergo company itself was considered by the participants as one of the positive examples of waste processing that could be replicated subject to some changes in the regulatory framework for renewable energy.
As a result of the workshop, recommendations were made that will be discussed at the parliamentary hearings.

AltEnergo press relations service