Laureates of regional contest “Engineer 2013 ” were awarded to 15 representatives of different branches and directions. Among them – chief engineer – head of OOO “AltEnergo” biogas power plant – Ilya Meilakh. He has won in nomination “Automation and mechanization of agricultural industry, biotechnologies”, in category “Engineering art of Young”.
At solemn award ceremony, head of regional Economic development department – Deputy Chairman of the Regional Government – Oleg Abramov, during his felicitation speech noted, that this year laureates are engineers of companies, which has chosen an innovative development path. “Science and business need you. You are the future of Belgorod region. Keep up the good work! ” – wished he to engineers.
During award ceremony it was also mentioned, that number of talented and active contest participants grows with each year. That is the sign of engineering professions prestige level raise.
Ilya Meilakh has been working in OOO “AltEnergo” since 2011. Operation of biogas, wind and solar power plants under his guidance is improving, and personnel reaches perfect production performance level.
“AltEnergo” Press service