The Declaration of foundation of regional microbiological center at the premises of BelSU was signed at the university
The participants of this significant regional event were Valeriy Sergachev, governor’s first deputy, Prof. Oleg Polukhin, the principal of BelSU, Vladimir Kulikovskiy, BelSU Medical Institute’s director, heads of regional universities labs and centers, general managers of pharmaceutical, microbiological and cattle breeding facilities.

Valeriy Sergachev noted, that this new structure will became a base for vast specter of research work in microbiology and related science.

Oleg Polukhin said about importance of symbiosis of manufacture, applied researches and fundamental sciences in realization of the new center’s tasks.

The participants signed a Declaration of foundation of regional microbiological center at the premises of BelSU.

The primary body of BelSU Regional Microbiological Center’s networking partners:

ZAO “Zavod Premiksow №1”ЗАО;

OOO “AltEnergo”;

ООО “NPP ProBioBelGU”;

Microbiology lab of BSTU High-Tech Center

V. Gorin Belgorod State Memorial University Test Lab