Under Agreement in renewable energy sources potential development in Belgorod region, that was signed in 2012 between regional Government and International Finance Corporation (IFC) , IFC experts have calculated, that total capacity of such objects can comprise 400 MW.
Moreover, IFC experts have made scheme of recommended installation place for objects, producing electric energy from biomass. 226 platforms (clusters) have been determined as places for “green” energy objects installation. Economic efficiency calculation is performed for each cluster, defining necessary levels of tariff support.
Building of abovementioned generating objects (biogas power stations in the first place) will help to utilize the whole volume of organic waste, formed at the territory of Belgorod region.
“If all the regions dedicated so much attention for “green” energy development as Belgorod region does, Russia could be out of “three leaders list” in volumes of greenhouse gases emissions among countries with high power-consuming economics”, -said the head of IFC renewable energy sources development program in Russia, Patrick Willems.
At the same time, “green” energy objects installation launch at electric energy retail market will become possible after defining working rules in russian brunch of renewable energy sources. Today, there are a lot of gaps in federal legislation in branch regulatory legal acts. The decree of Russian Federation about set of measures, stimulating renewable energy sources – based electric energy production, was issued on October 4, 2012. Among these measures are: simplification and price reduction of “green” energy generating objects qualification procedures, and also approval of methodic instructions in rate making for electric energy, produced by these “green” energy objects. One year has already passed, but main paragraphs of decree aren’t executed yet. On May 28, governmental decree № 449 of Russian federation about stimulation mechanism for renewable energy sources application in wholesale electric energy market has been approved. The same document for retail electric energy market isn’t approved yet.
IFC, part of World Bank Group, is the biggest global development institution. Its activity is directed only at support of private sector. In 2013 IFC has invested record billions of dollars worldwide, sending it to private sector potential realization in creation of jobs and solvation of most urgent development problems. Russia has become the pert of IFC group in 1993. Since then, IFC has invested 294 projects in Russia, 1 billion to different economic sectors, among them: banking, leasing, infrastructure, food industry, woodworking, telecommunications and IT, retail trade and public health service.
IFC consultant program in Russia is focused on renewable energetics potential development and assistance in resource efficiency and competitiveness.