First harvest was cropped from agrolaboratorial field. Due to experiment, which was launched a year ago, agronomists have defined the optimal volume of biofertilers, produced by biogas power station, applying for soil.
In summer 2012 “Prokhorovskaya Zernovaya Compania” has allocated an experimental platform with 54 ha square. One part of this research platform is intended for soy, and the other – for corn. In August these fields were fertilized with effluent – organic fertilizer, the end product of anaerobic biological waste processing in digesters of biogas power plant “Luchki” of “AltEnergo” Company. From the moment of launch biogas power station has produced over 65 thousand tonnes of such bioproduct.
To define the optimal rate of fertilization, the field parts were divided into 9 more sections – 3 ha each. The volume of applied organics varied from 0 to 120 m3/ha.
Crops, which are taking part in experiment, were sown last spring. In autumn, after soya and corn crop gathering, plant-growers have evaluated results from each allotment. Results were compared to crop capacity of field, fertilized by traditional mineral fertilizers.
According to soya crop results, the highest effluent efficiency level is fixed at applying of 70 m3 /ha (+4, 5 c/ha). Corn yield showed the best result with maximal dose of fertilizer – 120 m3/ha (+28,1/ha).
During this experiment the agronomical service of “Agro-Belogorie” was analyzing soil qualitative composition according to diverse indexes and kept plants’ vegetation under observation, defining the organic fertilizers’ deliverability. Experiment results have given the opportunity to determine economic efficiency of biofertilizers and to calculate optimal dose of biofertilizers application.
Effluent is supposed to become a worthy alternative to mineral fertilizers, which have been criticized during past years more and more because of high price and soil exhaust during longstanding application.
In opinion of “Agro-Belogorie” associate director – head of plant growing and cattle-breeding department Nikolay Razyvaev, for getting unbiased results, this experiment must be conducted within following several years, increasing the variability of effluent application at the same time.
According to Nikolay Razuvaev, application of fertilizers, produced by biogas power stations for today can be already estimated as highly perspective. Among other advantages, fertilizers can help to support ecological security in the region as a part of biological farming, realized at the territory of Belgorod region.
Agrolaboratory – is one of the platforms, where Belgorod Institute of alternative energy conducts different researches.