Results of the production program of AltEnergo LLC in 2021

On January 13, a production meeting was held at the central office of AltEnergo LLC, at which the preliminary results of 2021 and plans for 2022 were considered. Ilya Meylakh, head of the Luchki biogas plant, spoke about the implementation of the production program for the period 2021. He noted that over the past year, […]

AltEnergo LLC has received a certificate of compliance with three ISO standards

The International Organization for Standardization is an independent, non-governmental organization, the members of which are the standards organizations of the 165 member countries. It is the world’s largest developer of voluntary international standards, and it facilitates world trade by providing common standards among nations. More than twenty thousand standards have been set, covering everything from […]

Employees of the Belgorod Institute of Alternative Energy received master’s degrees – biotechnologists

The general director of the Belgorod Institute of Alternative Energy Vladimir Bredikhin (diploma with honors) and the biotechnological engineer of the Laboratory Biogas Plant Pyotr Tolmachev have mastered the master’s program in the direction of training “Biotechnology”. They studied at the Institute of Pharmacy, Chemistry and Biology of the National Research University “BelSU”, which today […]

Продажа зеленых сертификатов I-REC

Главная ООО «АльтЭнерго» является генератором электроэнергии за счет ВИЭ (продавцом сертификатов по международному стандарту I-REC, выпускаемых Ассоциацией «Цель номер семь»). The International REC Standard Foundation (I-REC Standard Foundation) — международная некоммерческая организация, которая разработала и внедрила надежный механизм отслеживания происхождения электроэнергии. Ассоциация «Цель номер семь» выпускает сертификаты I-REC по заявкам российских производителей электроэнергии. Генерирующие компании […]